Thursday, November 26, 2020

"This Land Is Their Land" by David J Silverman

So glad that we have a holiday to commemorate gratitude. I am so very grateful for the friends and family in my life. Grateful for Facebook friends and family as well.

But take a few minutes to make sure that the people you know understand the Thanksgiving Myth. I was taught that the pilgrims and Indians sat down for a great meal to celebrate the harvest and the friendship between the two groups.

Native Americans who met the Europeans from the Mayflower were not happy to see them. For at least a century prior, other Europeans had been wreaking havoc during exploratory missions. By the time colonization began, damage had been done to prevent friendships. And the havoc continued.

Please be grateful for your loved ones and your safety, shelter and healthy food. But do a quick history lesson for a dose of reality. I have been reading "This Land Is Their Land" by David J Silverman. It is quite a lengthy lesson but worthwhile.

May we learn from the past, be grateful and look to a happier future.

Friday, November 6, 2020

past meets present

On a TV show a character asked, "If your 10-year-old self met you today, what would they think?"
How would you answer?
I think my 10-year-old self would be shocked by my 50-year-old self. I don't think I knew anyone who used a wheelchair much less thought of myself as ever needing one.
I think I would be pleased as well. I always thought I'd like teaching. And I'm especially proud of the wonderful friends and family with whom I keep in touch. So grateful for my husband and others who bring me joy.
Wishing you a life that makes you happy!

Sunday, August 23, 2020

the other person

I was feeling some self-pity (I try not to do so very often). I thought of the Tom Petty lyric, "You don't know what it's like to be me."

Then I realized, none of us know what it's like to be the other person. We all have our unique strengths and weaknesses, hopes and fears. So let's be kind to one another. No one knows what struggles someone else is experiencing. Smiles can cover any number of woes.

Wishing you patience in your struggle. May we all have patience for people we don't know who might act negatively during their time of struggle.

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Say it out loud. Say it with actions.

Just finished season two of Sex Education from Netflix. Love the characters and the scenery. The last episode had a nice message.
First, not everyone understands you. When you find the ones who do, don't let them go.
Second, it's important to tell people that you love them.
Love for others is not always obvious. Say it out loud. Say it with actions if you prefer. It feels good to say it and show it. It feels really good to hear it. It is one of the things that will help you keep the ones who understand you in your life.
I love you for the human being that you are, whether or not I know you. I really appreciate you taking the time to read what I have to say.