Saturday, April 21, 2018


A friend of mine shared a video of a Latino reporter interviewing a white supremacist. I will never share such ignorance, but it's something that needs to be mentioned.
There are too many people in our country who believe in white supremacy. And now we have an administration hiring well-known people from within that group. This administration is making people think that white supremacy is okay. IT IS NOT! And the longer we go without talking about it, we will perpetuate its acceptance.
So I am here to say that anyone who believes one particular race is better than any other is not worthy of the rights and freedoms we have in this country. I do believe in the right to free speech, but there's only so much that we should tolerate.
I have only my voice to make change, so I'm speaking out against racism in any form and in particular the extreme views of white supremacists. Our country is better for its diversity and that should be celebrated.
Thanks for reading.