Sunday, July 24, 2016

Faerie Tale

My friend Mary Groce wrote a lovely book called "Aunt Cora’s Wart, an Historical Faerie Tale." In a happy and gentle way she discusses philosophy and history. Most importantly, the main character gets lots of self-esteem building.

I was lucky to have a family who made me feel special and important. That feeling is the foundation that supports everything I do, from encouraging others to being strong enough to face many trials.

If you have young people in your life, please do all you can to make them feel special and important. It's amazing what kind words can accomplish when used freely and frequently.

And don't forget – no matter how old you are, right now and always, YOU are wonderful and make a difference in this world just by being you.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

positive, masculine interactions

One positive I have noticed in entertainment – men hug each other.

While I have seen it on TV and movies in recent years, I think it is a fairly new phenomenon. Handshakes and high-fives have long been acceptable male interactions. It's really nice to see men start with a handshake, pull each other in for a hug and a strong pat on the back.

I've also seen fathers giving sons a kiss on the head. These are excellent examples of what we need to see more of in the media. Hugs and kisses aren't exciting and adventurous, but they can help find solutions to problems.

Netflix DVD recommendation – Necessary Roughness which used to be on the USA Network. Lots of examples of positive, masculine interactions.