Sunday, April 24, 2016

life overall

Do you ever get frustrated about how difficult life can be? If so, look at your life overall. 

I get frustrated daily. But recently I noticed – look how great I'm doing!

Do you have money for food, clothing and shelter as well as some things just for fun? Do you have people you care about who care about you? Do you enjoy your job? Do you enjoy your free time?

I can answer yes to all of the questions above. In fact, I have an awesome life in spite of my daily difficulties. So I let the anger and sadness have their time, and then I remind myself that I am conquering each challenge.

You can do almost anything if you have confidence and take positive actions. Let the difficulties arise, then step over them to find something that makes you happy. I'm not saying it's easy, but you can do it!

Sunday, April 17, 2016


Some interesting thoughts about perspective in the book “The World I Live In” by Helen Keller. The most important, I think, is that she said her world was no less than anyone's who can see and hear. She described a very broad, wonderful experience based in the senses of touch, smell and taste.

The thought that lingers with me is that darkness was not something negative for her. While so many of us, especially when we are young, fear the dark, Ms. Keller grew to be very happy there. She wrote a poem called "Chant of Darkness." Throughout the poem she repeats these lines:

"Out of the uncharted, unthinkable dark we came,
and in a little time we shall return again
into the vast, unanswering dark." Helen Keller

I've always imagined heaven/ where God lives to be a bright, sunny place. This gives me a different picture. It sort of fits with the idea that our universe is dark. When we look out above our planet, space is dark except for the objects in it. If God created our universe, perhaps he meant darkness to be comforting. Perhaps heaven is dark except for the spirits in it.

I'm not sure where I'm going with these thoughts. Curiosity is a wonderful thing that leads to learning. And there is so much in life to learn!

Sunday, April 10, 2016

the pale blue dot

We humans take up such a very small part of the universe. A character in a movie I saw a recently (Men Women and Children) claimed that this made him feel as if nothing matters. He had watched the YouTube video "the pale blue dot" from Carl Sagan.

So, I watched it myself. At the end, Mr Sagan encourages us to be kinder to one another and cherish our planet. If this is all we have, let's make the most of it.

But I also believe that our words and actions matter. They affect our own lives and the lives of people we know. There is also a ripple effect. Our smile given to another may improve their mood, which can affect others they see. Who knows where the effects end? Could the ripples cross the globe, the galaxy, the universe? We will never know, but maybe.

So let's choose our words and actions to create the world we wish to see. Peace, love, and understanding!