Thursday, July 31, 2008

friends or angels

below is a list of family and friends who have touched my life. if your name isn't here, i most likely don't have your birthday. i made this list from the names on my master birthday calendar. i am very grateful to have such a long list!

i've been thinking a lot about how God works in our lives. i think God often speaks to us through people we know. so i often think of friends as angels. most recently, my angel/friend, Denise, sent me some books and CDs that have helped me focus my thinking on
spirituality. so, thank you God and thank you Denise for helping me along my journey. thank you to the rest of you for bringing your light into my life.

yes, from now on i will be including some of my views on spirituality. i don't pretend to know what is fact. i won't try to convince you to agree with my thinking. i'm just putting my positive thoughts out into the world.

Thank you,
Alexander, Allison, Amy, Andee, Andy, Angela, Ann, Anne, Beecher, Benjamin, Betty, Betty Lou, Bill, Bonnie, Brian, Brianna, Bridget, Brooke, Bruce, Carol, Charlene, Charlotte, Chaz, Cheri, Christian, Christina, Chuck, Cindy, Claire, Cliff, Dale Leslie, Darryl, Dave, David, Deb, Dee, Denise, Don, Donna, Dorothy, Dwight, Ed, Edie, Elizabeth, Ellie, Emily, Erin, Faith, Fallyn, Fidget, Fran, Gail, Georgia, Ginger, Glen, Grace, Greg, Hannah, Helen, Homer Dale, Jack, Jacob, Jacques, Jamey, Jamie, Janet, Jean, Jennifer, Jerry Bill, Jessica, Jim, Joanna, John, JoLynn, Judy, Julia, Julie, June, Karen, Kathie, Kathy, Katie, Kay, Keith, Kelly, Ken, Kirk, Kristin, Larry, Laura, Laurie, Leslie, Liesl, Lisa, Lori, Lorraine, Manley, Marc, Marcia, Marjorie, Martha, Martin, Matt, Melissa, Michelle, Mike, Milo, Monica, Nancy, Nicholas, Nicky, Noah, Norma, Norman, Pamela, Pat, Patricia, Patti, Phyllis, Rachel, Rama, Raymond, Rebecca, Richard, Rob, Roger (Gabby), Ruthie, Sally, Sam, Sandy, Sarah, Sean, Skittles, Skyler, Stephanie, Steve, Sue, Susan, Susanne, Tamika, Tara, Teresa, Terry, Tina, Tinny, Tobin, Tom, Trish, Viola, Watson, Wayne, Winifred, Winnie

Sunday, July 20, 2008

thank you

just a quick thank you to the universe, God, or the great unknown. life goes on whether we're happy or not. i am grateful for feeling that things are OK either way.

Thursday, July 10, 2008


i know not everyone loves babies, but i don't understand them at all. even babies have their bad moments when frustrated, but mostly they just seem like happy little people in awe of the world around them. they delight in new things as they taste, grab, and shake them. they get excited when they do something for the first time, like rolling over. when they see someone they love, they give a great big grin. those grins are worth a million bucks. as adults we do less exploring, get less excited about life, and we might even smile less.

if you know a baby, enjoy them. we could all learn how to be more positive by imitating these delightful little people.