Thursday, April 11, 2013


Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength. ~ Mahatma Gandhi

What keeps you going through your struggles? I have God, my husband, my sister, a very devoted friend and lots of other loved ones. I wish my struggles would end so I could just enjoy my strengths. There must be more for me to learn as I take my life with MS one day at a time.

What strengths have you discovered about yourself? Wishing you support through whatever struggles you have.

Monday, April 1, 2013


Life is like photography; you develop from the negatives. – Unknown

I've just been noticing that the events in our life that change us the most tend to be negative. Why don't we learn from the positive things?

For instance, my spirituality has developed with my MS and with the death of my mother. Would I have searched for God without needing help to get through difficult times?

When my niece was born, I learned a new kind of love. Watching my sister taught me what “falling in love with your child” means. So I guess positive things reinforce the already positive things in our lives. We pay more attention to the changes that come from negative experiences because we are trying to improve those situations. When we are sailing through life happily, we don't think about how to improve or change. We just enjoy being happy.

So I wish that each of us develop from the negatives but also stop for moments here and there to appreciate the positives.