Sunday, November 2, 2008

what do you believe?

recently, i read an article about universalism. i like the idea that many ways of believing can exist without saying one way is more right than the other. 'ways to believe' should include religions from different parts of the world as well as non-faith-based belief systems.

i was raised in a family who celebrates Christmas and Easter. i hesitate to call myself a Christian because i dislike the idea that if you don't believe in 'the right way,' you are less valued. i've learned a lot from different types of Christianity, Buddhism, and Taoism. i'd like to learn about other belief systems. i'm always interested to talk to people who share their views. i'd love to get comments from anyone reading this.

here's what i believe (though it often changes): God loves us and takes care of us - all of us, no matter what we believe. things go wrong in the world because people aren't perfect. it is our job to learn from people and to be the best person we can be. God works through us and the interactions between people. the more positive interactions we make, the better the world will be.

those are all ideas put together from different sources. i don't say that anyone else should believe the way i do. this is just what feels right for me. spirituality is a journey. where has your journey taken you?