Tuesday, February 25, 2014

uncontrollable giggles

Every now and then something strikes me so funny that I laugh until I cry and can barely catch my breath. This usually happens when I'm tired. I thought I would share the most recent thing…

Winnie was visiting and Kristin got out the book “Corduroy” which is a favorite story of mine about a bear who needs a home and someone to love.

Anyway, Winnie had on pants of that material, and I said, “Oh! what are your pants made out of? Before Winnie could answer, Mike said, “Are they made of BEARS?”

That made me laugh loudly which made Winnie look at me with surprise and curiosity; I don't think she's ever heard me laugh like that. The expression on her face was what kicked in my hysteria.

What started as a silly joke brought me uncontrollable giggles which made Winnie give an even more quizzical expression. Isn't it fun to laugh?

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Philosophy in Haiku

I am always looking for new ways to think about life and spirituality. My friend, neighbor and fellow writer shared this with me and agreed to let me share it with you. Any thoughts?

Henry Francisco
Philosophy in Haiku
Entitled: THE # PATH

Being Your Ideal
The Holy Spirit Within
The Better-er Way

Organize be-ing.
Present a certain structure
As part of your day

Learn productively
What will contribute to life
As you find it now

Produce something new
From the raw material
Provided to you

Respect others' thoughts
Wander among their ideas
Mining benefits

Reason. Think things out
beyond the superficial
Expose subtleties

Conserve the vitals
That make up the life we live
Reproduce essence

Share nature's bounty
Made available to all
Who would use it well

Solve the conundrums
Besetting society
Making life better

Change from within or
Without if necessary
Leaving improvement

"O Spirit within
Help to guide my current life
To constructive ends

Building upon blocks
Already provided me
By mortal bounty

From the present day
To a worthy conclusion
Thence to my reward"

Saturday, February 8, 2014

inner light

I have been working on a definition of inner light as I see it. This light is a quality of love for yourself and others coupled with mental or emotional strength; when shared with others it makes yourself and those around you feel optimistic and even happy or inspired.

Your light is not a skill or talent. It is a feeling. Your light can be expanded in different ways. Some challenges that we meet in life call us to use this feeling of love and strength. Though the struggle is not necessary. Doing kind things for others and keeping kindness in all of your daily activities can develop your light. The more you share it the brighter it will be.

Most importantly, feel it and use it in your own life. Nurturing and encouraging yourself is the best place to begin. You have this light. Look for it, feel it, and then share it!