Friday, October 8, 2010

tell them

do you ever is so short? i just read a [true] story in which a woman was killed at the age of 45. so short. i'm already 40 myself.

i'm here to urge you to spend time with people who make you happy and tell them how you feel. i tell my husband i love him everyday. i say 'i love you' to my family at the end of each phone conversation. i try to look for ways to express my gratitude to the many wonderful people in my life. i put effort into maintaining the relationships that enrich my life. loved ones are the greatest treasure on earth.

so take some time to express your appreciation for your loved ones. simple phrases like 'i love you,' 'thank you,' and 'you're great' go a long way. you may even hear them repeated to you. if the words make you uncomfortable, actions speak loudly. give a pat on the back, a hug or even a hand shake. these gestures of kindness are equally powerful.

just be kind while you can. life is too short to leave positive thoughts unspoken. if you know me, please know i appreciate your presence in my life. you're awesome!