Sunday, December 22, 2019

a really good cry

Did you ever notice that a really good cry cleans out your sinuses? 

If I'm having a bad day which leads to a really good cry, I can still be grateful that I'm breathing a little better. I often notice how long it has been since my last really good cry. And I have to be grateful that these days are few and far between.

No need to worry about me. These days happen now and again. I can't imagine living a life when there are a complete absence of bad days. I am grateful when the bad days make the good ones stand out more.

I am also grateful that putting my feelings into words can lift my mood. Then, I can share my feelings with all of you. I know that friends reading this can relate. And that relating to each other is the best way to know we are not alone in the world.

Wishing you days that make you feel grateful and friends that listen when you share what's on your mind.