Sunday, June 26, 2016


Limiting guns is important. But also, we should be limiting the amount of violence we enjoy in our entertainment.

It seems as if we are condoning violence because it is used every day on TV and in the movies. I can't find anyone else who is saying this.

Am I the only one bothered by this? Am I the only one that sees a connection between our "violence is exciting, adventurous, and a possible solution to any problem" attitude and the violence that we see in the real world?

I usually try to stick to promoting the positive. I think I've been quiet too long. I'm going to start speaking out against the violence that is dousing the light of the world.

Wishing you all love and light!

Friday, June 17, 2016


On Twitter I saw a picture of 2 children with obvious differences interacting happily. The caption was, "Race: Humanity; Religion: Love." 

It is difficult to ignore differences. Rather, I think they should be embraced. How can we help others feel good about differences? How can we remove fear and hatred of the unknown?

How do we show others that LOVE is what we all have in common? We all want it and we all have some to give. How do we match up the love givers with those in need? I suppose we all have different views about what love is.

There are no easy answers to my questions. But I think it's important to keep talking about love. Even more important to keep offering love to others. Just a simple smile can do wonders.

My thoughts may sound sappy, but maybe that's what we need!

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Today's Special

I try to avoid violence in the movies and TV shows I watch. So, I decided to begin posting brief entertainment recommendations for others who feel the same way.

Recommendation: "Today's Special" streamed on Netflix, a nice story about a chef, his family and their restaurant. 7/10 stars.