Friday, January 16, 2009

point of view

a couple of months ago i watched a movie called "vantage point." it told the story of an event that took place in 30 minutes. you saw the same half hour from 6 people's vantage points. it brought me to an interesting realization. no 2 people live in the exact same world. our personalities and experiences give us each a different foundation of understanding the world. so even if we spend time together, our perspective of that activity is colored by our past.

for instance, bill and i watched a movie about a father dying. at the end, bill was sad, but i felt more resolute about having important conversations with my dad while i can. there, our activity was the same but our perspectives were not.

i'm not sure what will come from this realization. i hope it will help me be more understanding of people. trying to see things from another's perspective can help us get along. that can make the world a better place. that's my goal.

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