Saturday, January 10, 2009


i just watched a movie about love between men and women and between parents and children. i have to express how grateful i am to have been given the wonderful kinds of love in my life. i am loved by parents, family, friends and my husband. i can think of any person in my life and feel one kind of love or another.

i am most grateful to my mom and to my grandparents for showing me that i am worthy of love and for showing me how to love. i watched their interactions with myself and others. i listened to what they said. i felt their love and so adopted their ways of giving love to those around me.

today, my life is filled with love. i hope i make my friends and family feel the same way.

while it is a different kind of love, i send loving thoughts out to humankind. the world needs as much love as it can get. i hope that everyone tries to give as much love as they can.

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