Friday, August 14, 2009


a friend and i were talking about health struggles. we are both very determined to live our best lives and to overcome those struggles. we are both very positive thinkers, also. it is amazing how important determination and positive thinking are to enjoy life and overcome struggles. there are lots of people, actually, probably all people, who have obstacles to face. the people i meet who don't have determination and positive thinking, seem to have difficulty with both enjoying life and conquering their obstacles.

so i challenge everyone to think about problems as puzzles to solve. if you find no solution, try to figure out how you could live happily in the presence of your problem. it is easier said than done, but it IS possible. best wishes!


lirruping said...

This is a very Buddhist insight--the idea there being, as I understand it, that problems are not only universal, they are our teachers. And the trick is not just realizing this once in a blue moon, when it gets repeated in cliche form: "every cloud has a silver lining" but actually incorporating this truth into our moment-to-moment consciousness so that we can, as a matter of habit, respond in a thoughtful way, rather than just react to our obstacles. It's really hard to do, but is well worth the effort I suspect!
Your other post about reacting to anger is in the same vein- responding rather than reacting to our feelings. And knowing you as long as I have, Liesl, I believe that you actually DO consider what you're going to say before saying it, asking what you hope to accomplish by the words that are about to come out of your mouth. This is a powerful practice! I believe that doing it often enough leads us not only to avoid bad decisions made in anger, but actually to experience less anger, altogether. When we get accustomed to reflecting on our own purposes in action and on other people's experience, we become more aware that other people are suffering just like we are. It's harder to be angry or irritated with someone when we are relating to their feelings and realizing that they too are acting/reacting to painful situations in their own lives.

L.Hogerfeld said...

thank you for your insight!

Yimji Wills said...

Now, grrls, I am happy to report that I can follow this conversation, but I am not there yet. Lead the way!! A.G.