Wednesday, April 23, 2008

positive energy

this is my attempt to spread good will. there are so many awful things happening in the world. these things are keeping us from focusing on all the wonderful things happening in the world. i want to change that focus. instead of thinking about all the things that bother you, just for a moment, think about something that makes you happy. that feeling is positive energy. think your happy thought and send that energy out into the world. it is my hope that some of this positive energy will conquer even a little bit of the negativity out there, even if it is just for you while you're thinking your happy thought.

each one of us here on earth is a special person. whether or not we agree with each other or like each other, we all deserve to be treated with kindness and respect. i offer my smile to every person i see. let's share that simple kindness with as many people as we can.

i'd love to hear your happy thoughts or even constructive criticism.

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