In the not-so-distant future the world will be unbelievably different. In a good way.
Every human will be kind and respectful. We will smile at strangers as they walk by us. We will value our family and friends and show how much we care in our words and actions. Not only will we venture outside our groups of like-minded people, but we will actively seek out people of differing views in an effort to expand our understanding.
Every human will strive to improve themselves and the world around them. Conflicts will arise as we compete to accomplish more than has ever been seen previously. We will work together to solve the problems we face. We will play to our strengths and help each other discover and develop every asset we possess.
We will ensure that every human has enough food, clothing and shelter, even if some have more than others. We will treasure animals, plants and natural resources. We will study, experiment and discuss the science and history of our planet as well as the mind and body of all humans and other creatures.
May 2019 see the beginning of such a utopia! We must dream big!