With all the problems in our lives and around the world, the most important thing we can do every day is take care of ourselves. If we are not content, satisfied and healthy, it's very hard to help anyone else.
Taking care of ourselves is often complicated. Our mental state is most important. Being able to think clearly and contentedly is often not an easy task. Sometimes we need help in the form of family and friends, counseling and even medication. Some people meditate, listen to music, watch TV and movies, write or express their feelings through art, exercise. Each of us need to find whatever works to feel strong enough to get through each day.
Taking care of our physical health is also essential. For some people that simply means eating healthy foods, and getting enough sleep and exercise. As we age, lots of little things start going wrong with our bodies as they were not meant to last forever. For people with disabilities like mine, staying healthy is a whole lot of work. Whatever you can do to stay healthy and prevent problems, the easier life will be.
Caring for ourselves also includes finding things we enjoy that can help us earn a living, that might benefit the world around us and that keep us feeling content.
Wishing you the motivation to do all you can to take care of yourself. You are special and important. You deserve to be as happy and healthy as you can.