Thursday, February 23, 2017


  1. 1 :  bearing pains or trials calmly or without complaint
  2. 2 :  manifesting forbearance under provocation or strain
  3. 3 :  not hasty or impetuous
  4. 4 :  steadfast despite opposition, difficulty, or adversity

Are you patient? I think I must have been born with a patient gene. 

As a teacher, I had lots of patience for my students. They had struggles, and I think my calm, easy-going manner was helpful.

I have daily frustrations with MS. I have honed my patience over these 20+ years. My mood is always better when I can calmly face my challenges.
Now, I am nearing the end of a new test of my will to be calm. I moved to PA in September 2016 and immediately applied for a state program to fund my home health care. The application said "30 to 60" days. It has now been over 5 months!

Sigh. All I can do is wait. I'm tired of complaining but I can't seem to help myself.

Thanks for listening. 

Wishing you patience when you need it!

Friday, February 3, 2017


My friend and I were talking yesterday about the fear of what our new administration could do to change our country for the worst. I'd like to share the thing that keeps me hopeful.

Our president and the people he is promoting are to the extreme opposite of the values I hold dear. But I think that having such a drastic difference is instigating the rest of us to step up and work even harder for the things that are important to us.

I have been signing petitions and calling my senators regularly. I'm reading more so that I am aware of changes coming. And my friends are, too.

If you are interested, there is a weekly action list with ideas to stay involved.…/weekly-action-checklist-democ…/
Here are two of my favorite suggestions:
1 – choose three issues to focus on, including one that may not affect you directly
2 – write a letter to your senators and representatives with the issues most important to you (in addition to calling, emailing or writing in regard to immediate issues)

So, I am hoping that there may be some conservative ideas that will help our country. I am hoping that extreme ideas will encourage debate. And most of all, I'm hoping that love and positive ACTIONS will create a better world.

Let's shine our light and act with kindness and respect!