Pondering my philosophy. Many ideas that sometimes don't
I have been reading "What God Says" by Neale
Donald Walsh. I have been listening on YouTube to Eckhart Tolle. I still listen
occasionally to "Getting Into the Vortex" by Esther & Jerry
Hicks, as well as have spiritual conversations with friends.
Christianity says “God, Our Father.”
NDW says God is not our parent but rather one with us.
The Vortex emphasizes being co-creators with God [or Source]
of our own reality.
Tolle seems mainly about being present in the moment and
having an alert awareness of our inner being, who we really are. He also
describes us as usually living only in our thoughts and emotions. He encourages
quieting the thoughts to access our conscious awareness.
I'm practicing connecting to my inner being but I still
enjoy living in my thoughts. We shall see where these philosophical and
spiritual thoughts will take me.