Friday, October 25, 2013


I like this change to the old adage:

God doesn't give us what we can handle, God helps us handle what we are given. - unknown

Even, or especially, in difficult times, I lean on God and I feel supported. I feel understood and loved. Most of all, God gives me the feeling that everything is going to be okay no matter what challenge I must face.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

great children's book, please consider contributing

"Oh I forgot to go to keyword: SHANTI and make my pledge!! I love that book and would love EVERY store and library to have a copy!!

supports anti-bullying

Please and thank you!!!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

defining light

I believe we all have light to share. Recently, I was called on to define what I call “light.” I'm still not sure exactly how to define it. On one hand, I believe our light is “that of God within us” which I get from the Religious Society of Friends, a.k.a. Quakers. I was trying to define it without the sense of religion. I believe you do not need to believe in God to find your light.

Being human, or I would argue even animal, qualifies us to have something special and wonderful that no one else on earth has. That something special is our potential light.

But the trick is, am I talking about a passion for something, a drive or ambition, some type of skill? That's not quite it. Self-esteem comes closer. We do need to feel good about ourselves to acknowledge and use our light. But low self-esteem does not indicate an absence of light.

Maybe it is believing in ourselves, knowing that we are special and wonderful, and then following through on putting ourselves to good use. I will keep working on this definition. Any ideas?

Kevin follow-up

My book club met last week to discuss We Need to Talk About Kevin, and a lot of the discussion was about nature versus nurture. I will continue to hope that enough nurture can overcome a negative nature. Realistically though, I realize that's not always possible. If it was, we could “cure” the world of criminal activity.

So then, is peace on earth possible? If there will always be some people who are by nature negative, there may always be negative things happening. All the more reason for people like me to continue spreading positive energy. If we can't erase negativity, maybe we can diminish it.